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Getaway to an artists’ residency

Getaway to an artists' residencyGetaway to an artists’ residency. A trip to an old brick factory 77 km away from the city, turned into a residency and inhabited by lots of amazing creative people. Painters, musicians, writers, designers, dancers… well, you better go see yourself, and maybe you will feel like staying there way longer! 

I suggest we spend several days to make you truly immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the place.

A trip to an old brick factory 77 km away from the city, turned into a residency and inhabited by lots of amazing creative people. Painters, musicians, writers, designers, dancers… well, you better go see yourself, and maybe you will feel like staying there way longer! 

I suggest we spend several days to make you truly immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the place.

Hi, my name is Anastasia. I am an art lover and a very obsessive traveler. I studied art in Rotterdam, and then a little bit in Paris, traveling around Europe in the meanwhile. Inside of me, I keep a little part of every city I’ve lived in, but Moscow is who I am.

As I am absolutely crazy about art, I will gladly show you the local art scene and its hidden gems, and let you see it through the eyes of a girl who is deeply in love with this place and people who make it. 

So, let’s go get inspired?

I will take you to a residency 77 kilometres away from the city, it is located in an old brick weaving factory from the late 19th century. It is one of the couple of residences we have close to Moscow, which makes it quite a unique and new notion, and unfortunately there are not many people who have already heard of this place. It accommodates artists with studios, musicians with great sound system and even a venue to perform, and dancers get several dance halls for their practice. 

The owners of the space hold various events of all kinds so you might meet even more interesting people depending on the program. It is a wonderful place to clear one’s mind, get out of the noisy and speedy capital life to spend some time in nature surrounded by amazingly spiritual and talented people of different specialisations. After several hours spent there, you already feel like home, forgotten any language or cultural barriers. And I will be there to help you get a connection with the most interesting people and learn something new about Russian art scene and local culture at all, as you can find all of that there. 

That place is about the energy, the intelligence, consciousness and creativity which is in the air. 

I will show you around, help you solve any problems during your stay, tell stories about our culture and Moscow’s surroundings, and certainly make you meet the brightest people who inhabit the residency, and there are many, and all of them are about to become your friends. 

If you find it interesting, I will introduce you to the founders and directors of the space, and if you want a master-class of the local artists, I think we could try arrange it too. 

Categoría: Tours de varios días y más largos.

Inicio en: Moscow, Russia.

Duración: 2 days.

Precio: 129,49 euros.

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